Menopause care Merced, CA

Introduction to Menopause and Hormone Changes

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through as they age, usually between the ages of 45-55. It marks the end of a woman's reproductive years and is diagnosed after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period.

The lead up to menopause is called perimenopause, where hormone levels become irregular and start to decline. This stage can last for several years and brings with it many symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, difficulty sleeping, mood changes, and more. Menopause occurs when estrogen and progesterone production halt completely.

Postmenopause is the stage after menopause has occurred, lasting for the remainder of a woman's life. During this time, the body goes through many changes as estrogen levels are extremely low. Some of the common symptoms include:

> "Many women going through menopause find their quality of life significantly impacted by symptoms. But the good news is, there are many effective treatment options available including hormone therapy."

While menopause is inevitable, women do not have to suffer through symptoms or allow them to disrupt their daily activities. At The Hormone Hub in Merced, we provide specialized menopause care including hormone replacement therapy to help women find relief during this transition.

Benefits of Seeking Menopause Care

Some women try to take a "grin and bear it" approach to menopause symptoms, thinking they just have to put up with hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal discomfort, and other issues. But meeting with a menopause specialist opens up treatments that can drastically improve comfort, wellbeing, and quality of life during the years surrounding menopause.

The expert practitioners at The Hormone Hub focus specifically on perimenopause and menopause care. We stay up-to-date on the latest research and treatment guidelines to provide personalized care aimed at relieving symptoms and protecting long-term health.

Here are some of the key benefits of seeking menopause care:

Regardless of your specific symptoms or health history, the menopause experts at The Hormone Hub can create a personalized care plan aimed at improving your comfort, health, and quality of life during this transitional time. We utilize the latest medical guidelines and research to inform our evidence-based treatment protocols.

Our services

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Hormone Therapy from The Hormone Hub in Merced

The most effective treatment we offer for relieving menopause symptoms is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This involves supplementing the hormones that decline during perimenopause and menopause - namely estrogen and progesterone.

Restoring hormone levels back to normal ranges alleviates many of the bothersome symptoms women experience. HRT can provide relief from:

Additionally, hormone therapy may provide other benefits like improving skin elasticity, muscle tone, heart health markers, and reducing fracture risk.

> "Many women find hormone therapy helps them feel like themselves again, with a restored sense of wellbeing and quality of life."

How Hormone Therapy Works

HRT at The Hormone Hub utilizes bioidentical hormones - substances that are molecularly identical to the hormones naturally produced by the body. This allows us to replace depleted hormones in a physiologic way.

The two main hormones we supplement are:

Testosterone and other hormones may be used in certain cases depending on a woman's symptoms and needs. Pellet therapy, oral tablets, patches, gels, and creams can all effectively deliver hormone therapy.

We always start with the lowest effective dose and aim to use therapy at the shortest duration needed to get symptoms under control. Regular follow up appointments allow us to monitor your response and adjust the medications as needed.

Blood tests will check hormone levels to ensure you are receiving adequate supplementation without going overboard. For optimal safety, we provide patients with individualized education on safe use of hormone therapy.

Who is a Candidate for Hormone Therapy?

The practitioners at The Hormone Hub conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if a woman is a candidate for hormone replacement therapy. In general, the best candidates are perimenopausal or postmenopausal women suffering moderate to severe menopause symptoms that impact quality of life.

HRT may not be advised for women with a history of certain cancers, blood clots, heart disease, or other medical conditions. We carefully weigh the risks and benefits of hormone therapy for each individual. Women with surgical menopause due to hysterectomy and/or oophorectomy often benefit from HRT started right away.

Unsure if you are candidate? Schedule a menopause consultation at our Merced clinic and we can make that determination after a detailed review of your health history and symptoms.

> "Our goal is to thoughtfully prescribe HRT when appropriate to help women thrive through the years surrounding menopause."

Lifestyle Recommendations for Menopause Health

In addition to hormone therapy and other treatments, we provide menopause patients with guidance on certain lifestyle measures that can aid in symptom relief and promote better health during this transition. Here are some of our top recommendations:

Diet and Nutrition


Stress Management

Healthy Habits

Adopting a holistic approach allows us to best support women during menopause - treating symptoms, supporting healthy aging, and helping improve overall wellbeing through individualized care.

Interesting fact

Many women don't realize that hormone therapy is no longer recommended as the first choice for treating menopause symptoms. Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, stress management, and dietary adjustments can provide significant relief. There are also effective non-hormonal prescription options for managing hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness if symptoms are severely impacting quality of life.

Menopause Clinics and Specialists in Merced, California

Merced is a city located in Central California's San Joaquin Valley. The climate here consists of hot, dry summers and cooler winters with occasional rain or fog. Spring and Fall seasons tend to be relatively mild.

Some key points about menopause care in Merced:

The Hormone Hub offers specialized menopause care in Merced. We conduct a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and health history. This allows us to create a personalized treatment plan that fits your individual needs.

Find relief and improve your quality of life.

Seeking Menopause Care in Merced

Menopause symptoms should not disrupt your daily activities or worsen your quality of life. If you are a woman in Merced going through this transition, specialized menopause care can help provide relief.

The practitioners at The Hormone Hub are experts in perimenopause and menopause management. We stay up-to-date on the latest medical guidelines and evidence-based treatments.

Some signs it may be time to seek menopause care include:

We offer customized treatment plans aimed at relieving symptoms that interfere with wellbeing. This includes:

The Hormone Hub serves women throughout Merced county. Contact our friendly staff to schedule a new patient appointment with one of our board certified menopause practitioners. Take charge of your health and find solutions to manage menopause symptoms. We are here to help you feel your best!

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